Welcome to EW_Skuzzy.
First run Zenmap and see what ports are open
we have 3 ports open SSH 22, HTTP 80 and go figure ISCSI running 3260
Looking at the HTTP site does not show much
Since this is call Skuzzy lets see what we can find
First make sure you have the right tools installed
apt install open-iscsi
Then lets see what it can find.
Run a scan
Great now login
Now lets see where it put it
sdb it is now lets mount it,
and see what we have
There we go flag 1. Looks like it is part of a base64 but we are missing the rest lets keep looking.
That dsk file looks interesting, probably some type of image file. Lets cat it and see what we find.
Well there is flag 2 and 3 but there is more here. Lets try to mount that dsk file
Well there we go. Lets see what is in the Email:
hmm there is that flag again. Now lets see about decrypting that enc file